Saturday, December 29, 2007

L.A.'s low homicide rate

In December 29, 2007, and unknown author put out an editorial piece in the opinion section of the Los Angeles Times (,0,3053849.story?coll=la-opinion-leftrail) where he told all of the Los Angeles residents about how hapy we should be that the rates of violnce and gangs has gone down. As The Times show that the rate of violence has gone down, so has the gangs. The only problem is that they have gone nowhere. They all still exist, as now that Venice, Hollywood, and Echo Park prices have gone up, the gangs have begun to move out. Meaning that gangs are still running at lagre. The raise in price doesnt help with the elimination of gangs. "That doesn't mean the displaced gangsters have simply disappeared. Many have moved to places such as San Bernardino, where the murder count is up this year, or the Bay Area, or Fresno, or to other states." The editorial gives out a type of humorous fact that people of L.A are happy that violenve is leaving , but gives a thourough understanding that the elimination of complete violence and gangs wont be that simple.

-Can gangs really be pushed out of Los Angeles at this point in time where the youth consistently tries to find a place called "home"?
-What will happen now tp all the nice suburbs like Bakersfiel, Fresno, and other state? Will they get as much corrupted like Los Angeles was?