Thursday, January 3, 2008

Oil Price Hits $100

In the editorial writen byan unknown author published January 3, 2008 (,0,525705.story?coll=la-news-comment-editorials) talks about how the gas economy of the United States just went to an alltime high. Gas price just hit one-hundred on walstreet, and it seems like there is nothing that is going close to stopping it. Meanin that consumers will begin to suffer more and more if something isnt done about it. ¨Americans are beginning to change their fuel consumption habits, choosing to leave their gas-guzzling SUVs in the garage in favor of smaller cars (though perhaps not as quickly as the environmentalists among us would like)¨ The most popular vehichles are big trucks, SUV´s, and such others. In which case makes a lot of sense, but if Americans keep getting what they want and not what they need, the ecnomy will keep going down in a drastic way. The author seems concered himself because people do not seem to try to undersatnd.

This might not worry the wealthy class, but to the people that do not make so much income, it becomes a big impact. As we begin to look for a different alternative to getting from place to place. Which of course will take a lot of patience, which most people donty have, and a lot of courage to try something new.


-Now that gas prices have hit an all time high, will you think twice about what type of vehichle you want to get?
-You think that now that gas has gone up higher, people will chose to walk? do you think thats good?

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

How Cliche

The freaking halarious editorial piece that appeared january 1, 2008 in the opinion section of the Los Angeles Times (,0,1115330.story?coll=la-opinion-leftrail) who has no author talks about the cliches that people have been using for what has seemed to be centuries now. Phrases that even Jesus himself would tell his friends. Some such like ¨Thing outside the box¨ or ¨Too much information¨. The editorial makes one think of why not change all the old sayings from 2007, and begin some new ones, become more original with ourselves. Since we as young kids would try to look up to someone else, why not have someone look up to us, not just because we have gotten ideas from our friends, but as well because we should have some type of landmark, something original that someone would be able to remember us by, its time to ¨THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX!!!¨

-Do you know any phrases that have seriously been overused?
-Now that we are going to begin our new year, do you have something in mind to change about yourself, to be stand outside of th croud?